5 Components That Determine the Price of a Self Loading Concrete Mixer

A typical self-loading concrete mixer can cost anywhere from $4,500 to $30,000. But what makes them so expensive? Let’s take a look at some of its most expensive components.

1. Loading system

The loading system of a self-loading concrete mixer (бетономешалка самоходная) is responsible for loading the raw materials into the mixer drum. There are three main components to the loading system: the loading platform, the hopper, and the conveyor belt. The loading platform is where the operator stands to load the raw materials into the hopper. The hopper is a funnel-shaped container that holds the raw materials until they are ready to be mixed. The conveyor belt then carries the raw materials to the mixer drum, where they are mixed together with water to create concrete.

Considerations When Choosing China Self Loading Concrete Mixer
Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale

2. Weighing system

The weighing system, as the name, suggests, measures the amount of materials needed for each batch of concrete. This includes both the dry materials, such as cement, sand, and gravel, as well as the liquid component, water. The system consists of a set of load cells, which are placed under the materials storage bins. The load cells are connected to a controller, which calculates the weight of the materials based on the signals it receives from the load cells. Learn more: https://aimixgroup.ru/samokhodnyy-betonosmesitel-s-samozagruzkoy-kupit-iz-kitaya-na-rozss/.

3. Mixing system

The function of the mixing system is to keep the concrete in constant motion so that it does not settle or segregate during transit. It is made up of a series of paddles or blades mounted on a rotating shaft. As the shaft rotates, the paddles lift the concrete and then drop it, causing it to turn over on itself. This action keeps the concrete in a fluid state and prevents it from separating into its constituent parts. The mixing system is an essential component of a self-loading concrete mixer, and it ensures that the concrete is properly mixed and resistant to settling during transit.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale

4. Discharging system

The discharging system expels the concrete from the drum once it has been mixed. There are usually two types of discharging systems: bottom discharge and top discharge. Bottom discharge systems use a hydraulically actuated piston to push the concrete out of the bottom of the drum, while top discharge systems use a chain-and-sprocket system to lift the drum and pour the concrete out of the top. The type of discharging system used will depend on the specific design of the mixer (автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой).

5. Wheel system

The wheel system allows the mixer to be moved around a construction site, and they also provide stability while the mixer is in operation. Without the wheels, the mixer would be unable to move and would be at risk of tipping over. In addition, the wheels help to distribute the weight of the machine evenly, which prevents damage to the tires and ensures that the mixer can operate smoothly without interruption.

A self-loading concrete mixer is a great investment for any construction company. Sure, it may cost a few thousand bucks initially, but it can save you time and money on your construction projects in the long run. If you want to buy self-loading concrete mixers, China AIMIX is a good choice.