concrete batching plant

Different Stationary and Mobile Type Concrete Batching Plants

There are two kinds of concrete batching plants. There are stationary plants and mobile plants. Stationary concrete batch mix plant for sale mix semi-dry and dry concrete as well as wet concrete mixes.

Features of stationary concrete plant

They are large plants that are installed for permanent use. They are best for facilities where mixes are made on site to be shipped to other places. They can also be used for semi-permanent construction projects like roadway construction, bridge construction and more. Typically, they are used in facilities in a permanent way.

stationary concrete batch mix plant for sale
stationary concrete batch mix plant for sale

They do not have a lot of flexibility as the load that comes out of the plant must be poured in an hour and a half. These loads get poured into drum trucks where they are then transported to their destination. A typical stationary plan makes 150 to 200 cubic yards of mix an hour.

Features of mobile concrete plant

Mobile concrete batch plants for sale are smaller in size and are designed to be moved or transported from one job site to another. They are less expensive than stationary plants and they have more flexibility. They do not require having a foundation set up before being used like permanent plants do.

mobile concrete batch plant
mobile concrete batch plant

They take up less space and can fit into awkwardly-arranged job sites. They can be used to build tunnels, for example. You can take them apart when the work is done and transport them to another job site. This can make you more money as you will be able to take more jobs than you would if you did not have these concrete batching plant machines.

The mobile batch plants can make the same quality mixes as the stationary ones. They require about 12 feet of space to fit and can be set up to run in two hours. Mobile plants will mix dry or wet mixes and can function in cold weather or hot weather.

concrete batching plant machine
concrete batching plant machine

How to pick up a suitable concrete batching plant machine?

Many of these machines have been made to keep from rusting so they can withstand all kinds of weather. Besides being durable they cost very little to operate. All they require is the cost of the fuel to move them where you need them.

You can opt for silos to store your mix in and other convenient features. If the mobile concrete batch plants sound right for your project needs, you can start shopping for them online. Before you purchasing the mobile concrete plant online, you should learn this machine in order that you can pick up a suitable machine with the affordable concrete batch plant price.

If you have a facility that will be making mixes constantly to send to other contractors or businesses, you are better off buying a stationary batch plant. Maybe you can click here to learn more information about stationary concrete batching plant,

concrete batch mix plant for sale
concrete batch mix plant for sale

Different concrete batching plant manufacturers

Compare product from top concrete plant manufacturers. You can compare manufacturers from around the world. Today’s market makes it possible to buy a mobile or stationary batch plant from any country and have it shipped to you.

Start shopping online now and request quotes for plants by email or online chat. The best manufacturers also pride themselves on high-quality customer service, so they will respond to any inquiry quickly.

Besides getting the right machine, these companies will make sure you get a maintenance plan for servicing the item that you can afford. Knowing the different types of mobile and stationary plants will help you find the right plant for your company’s budget and projects.