Stone Crusher Plant

Essential Jaw Crusher Maintenance

Because jaw crushers are used to crush materials that are designed to be sturdy, the machines are put through a great deal of wear and tear. It’s important to give your equipment the upkeep that it needs so that you can keep it in good working order. Basic jaw crusher maintenance should include these things.

Small jaw crusher for sale
Small jaw crusher for sale


One of the main reasons that jaw crushers wind up being damaged is that they are not properly cleaned. It is standard for debris to accumulate on a machine like this as it is used. If that debris is not cleared away, it can have an impact on machine performance.

You’ll want to make sure that you clean your machinery regularly, and you’ll also want to make sure that the cleaning methods you are using is effective. This isn’t a process that you should rush through. You should take your time and get the job done right.


Like many types of heavy machinery, jaw crushers machine have a number of small moving parts. As this machinery is used, friction is produced, which can cause these parts to wear down. This can lead to serious damage, which is why it’s important to properly lubricate these parts as needed.

Although lubrication is an essential part of upkeep, it’s something that needs to be handled correctly. You should carefully read the manual that accompanied your jaw crusher to see what sort of lubricant is needed. You should also check to see how frequently you should be lubricating your machine.

jaw crusher for sale
jaw crusher for sale


Simply keeping a watchful eye on your machinery is an important component of maintenance. In many cases, major problems start out as minor issues that are easy to resolve. That’s why you should regularly visually inspect your machinery to see if you can spot any problems. If you do see an issue, you should stop using the equipment until the problem has been resolved.

While visual inspections are something that can be done every day, you may want to have your machine inspected more closely from time to time. Pay attention to your equipment, and you’ll be able to prevent catastrophe.

Part Repair

It’s natural for jaw crusher parts to wear down over time, even if they are properly cared for. However, if a part is badly damaged, and you continue to use your machine, it could lead to serious problems that will be more difficult for you to solve.

The solution to this problem is to repair damaged parts sooner rather than later. While purchasing replacement parts can be a big expense, in the long run, you may find that buying new parts as they are needed will help you to spend less money overall. Find a reliable source for the parts that you need.

As long as you keep up with essential jaw crusher maintenance, you should be able to keep equipment in good condition. You’ve made an investment in the machinery that you have purchased, and proper upkeep is the best way for you to protect that investment.