concrete batching plant

Invest In Your Future – Buy A Portable Concrete Mixer Plant

Do you want to take advantage of the construction boom going on in your country? Do you want to become your own boss? Do you have any experience in the construction industry? The unprecedented construction boom going on around the world presents a historic opportunity for entrepreneurs like you.

One of the foundations of construction industry is concrete. As long as buildings are going to be erected, there will be demand for concrete and you can tap into this opportunity by investing in your very own portable concrete mixer plant (мобильные бсу). Concrete plants are sold in various designs and types including stationary ones. However, the stationary plants are typically meant for large-scale projects. If you want to start small, it’s better to invest in a portable plant and once you have enough experience in the industry, you can always set up your own stationary plant.

Mobile Concrete Plant
Mobile Concrete Plant

If you start researching portable mixer plants, you’ll find that there are all kinds of options in the market at a variety of price points. However, you can’t just go out and buy anything you like as like other machines, certain plants offer a lot more value for money as compared to the rest. In today’s article, we are going to discuss the important factors that separate the best from the rest.

1. Material quality

Concrete is abrasive which means it will wear out the mixer plant sooner or later. This is why, you need to pay special attention to the quality of materials used for making the mixer plant. The mixer plant should be made from highest quality materials and should have an internal lining to keep the surface protected from the abrasive aggregates inside. Thankfully, there are several manufacturers that make highest quality mixer plants (производители бетонных заводов). It is recommended to choose a mixer plant from a well-known brand to ensure long service life and lower repairs and maintenance costs.

2. Capacity

You can buy concrete plants in various sizes ranging from a few cubic feet to hundreds of cubic feet. Novice buyers make the mistake of buying as much capacity as they can afford to buy but that’s not the right way to go about it. You need to study the market demand and buy optimum capacity. Too much capacity will make your operation inefficient and you will be at a disadvantage as compared to your competitors. You do not want that and this is why, it’s important to do research before choosing a particular size.

Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant
Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant For Sale

3. Price

Everybody wants to save as much money as they can when buying a concrete plant but it does not mean that you get your hands on the cheapest one you could find. The cheapest plants will break down frequently and you will not only have to spend money on repairs but you will also lose a lot of time. So, focus on quality of the mixer plant and reputation of the company instead of price. Learn more about portable concrete mixer plant price:


To conclude, investment in a portable concrete mixer plant offers an excellent opportunity for you if you want to take advantage of the construction boom. You can set up the business of supplying concrete to other contractors or you can rent out these concrete mixer plants. In fact, you also have the opportunity to become a contractor and when you have a few portable plants, you won’t have to depend on suppliers of concrete to fulfil your needs. So, keep the above mentioned tips in mind to get the best value for your money when buying a portable concrete mixer plant.